flyer 3rd canoe polo tournament graz 2023


From 6th to 7th of May 2023 the third canoe polo tournament will take place in Graz. On this page you’ll find all necessary information—it will be updated frequently.

where is it?

On the Mariatroster Teich—we lovingly call it lagoon—, a pond in a suburb of Graz. It’s our club’s regular training court with one ICF conform 35x25m pitch.

how do I get there?

In best case: per bike! Following the HR5 (bike map online/PDF), beyond the Basilika of Mariatrost—you can’t miss the pond.
Per public transport, riding the tram line 1 to end station Mariatrost, then walking along the main road outwards for about 700m.
Per car, please use a navigation service/app of your choice, using one of those destination points:

Parking: you can use the lot right next to the pond. But if you don’t sleep in your car/van, we’d kindly ask you to unload your boat(s) and equipment on site and park your car on the nearby P&R Mariatrost or P&R Fölling.

how do I sign up?

registration deadline: 16th April 2023

we’re happy that teams from Salzburg, Linz and Vienna have signed up!

Salzburg Knights, Schnecke Linz, UKK Wien—we look forward to meet you!

where can I sleep?

you can camp on site, next to the lake, in your own tent. Warm showers and toilets are available. You can also sleep in your van/camper. There is no special infrastructure for vans (CE-plugs, chemical toilet disposal, water pipes) though.
The most nearby hotel is the Hotel Stoiser. You may find a lot of other options nearby as well.

what does it cost?

€ 80 per team. This includes: entry fee, camping, infrastructure.

Costs for food, see below.

what do I eat?

We will provide food and drinks. Full board for €25 for both days. The full board includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Drinks will be sold separately.

We can also give you advice on where to buy your own food supplies, of course.


The precise schedule for the tournament will be sent out to the registered teams after the sign-up deadline.

updated schedule:

7+ pm – arrival

7:30 am – breakfast
8am – captains’ meeting
9:30 – first match

7:30 am – breakfast
9:30 – first match
3pm – winner ceremony


If you have further questions, simply mail us to

which hashtags to use?

#cptg23 #ICFpolo #KCG #Graz


small changes may happen, but the tournament schedule so far:

tournament schedule


venue map

Overview of the venue:
field (blue lines), warm up pond (yellow lines), camping area (green), parking lot (red), toilets&buffet (yellow) (© GIS-Steiermark, 2022)

the surrounding: the venue, food discounter Hofer, canoeing shop Paddler’s Paradise, sightseeing Basilika Mariatrost, tramstation Mariatrost, two Park&Rides